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📅 Update the article “Industrial carpet cleaning – What to know when cleaning carpets ” last time on 24/10/2022 at TKT Carpet Cleaning Company

Today, the use of industrial floor mats for offices, restaurants, hotels has become extremely popular. Since then, the domestic carpet industry has been expanding. On the market today there are countless carpet items with different designs and colors. Choosing the most suitable carpet line for the area is a time-consuming option for investors. In the following article, TKT Carpet shows the advantages of carpeting and some methods of cleaning industrial carpets in the most effective way.

1. What are industrial floor mats?

Industrial floor mats are floor mats in the mid-range segment, industrial floor mats have many advantages compared to other high-end models, such as:

  • The material is made from non-toxic, non-hygroscopic Polyprotilen, so it is quite suitable for the humid wind climate in Vietnam, helping to increase durability.
  • The sturdy hand-woven carpet yarn does not peel off, so it helps you use it for a long time, but the carpet does not collapse aesthetically.
Photos of industrial floor mats
Photos of industrial floor mats

2. Advantages of industrial floor mats

2.1 Price:

Currently, due to the expanding carpet market, many carpet companies compete with each other, so the price is extremely cheap. Although there is a difference between each type of carpet of each manufacturer, in general, the price in the market does not fluctuate too much.

2.2 Ease of installation

There are 2 types of carpets today: roll carpet and sheet carpet, brick carpet. With the roll carpet line, just spread on the empty plane. And carpets with dimensions of 50×50 are easy to install on many premises. Easy to transport, cut and match depending on the preferences and feng shui of each area.

2.3 Surface finish

Floor mats with good fire resistance, antistatic power. The surface of polypropylene industrial fiber brings softness and comfort to the user. Due to the high density of weaving, thick carpet fibers should completely eliminate physical friction. Complete elimination of noise and restriction of slippery.

2.4 Industrial carpets retain quite high heat for air-conditioned environments

Industrial floor mats bring convenience to your work environment. It also has the ability to sound insulate, heat insulation, keep heat well for the environment using air conditioning.

2.5 Slippery restrictions on the move

Not slippery for consumers. Often industrial floor mats are designed in the form of roll mats with a large area preferred to own the space of the room. It is fixed to the floor to limit movement in a walk-in environment.

3. Note before washing industrial carpets

3.1 How to clean wool carpets:

Wool carpets are easily affected by the way detergents and alkaline materials are applied, so when washing you should use neutralizing solutions with a pH of 5.0 -8.0 and have to dry the carpet for a short time.

3.2 How to clean cotton:

Cotton mats have the advantage that they can be used with all cleaning methods, but during soaking or drying if it takes too long, there may be shrinkage.

3.3 How to clean silk carpets:

With silk carpets, users need to use dry cleaning and note this type is easily damaged if the temperature is too high. Too frequent sun exposure or moisture reduces the life of the carpet.

3.4 How to clean carpets made of plant fibers:

Made from plant fibers with properties similar to cotton that can be washed by any method but the most common is still dry suction. With this type of carpet, you should use a cleaner with a pH below 7.5 to keep the original color. However, to achieve the effect of cleaning as well as extend the life you should use a professional carpet cleaning service.

3.5 How to clean carpets made of synthetic fibers:

With this type of carpet, you should avoid using laundry soap, dishwashing liquid or household cleaners to clean. It is best to regularly use a vacuum cleaner to clean dirt. Use specialized detergent for this type of carpet to achieve the highest efficiency. Each type of carpet has a different way of cleaning. Proper adherence to the principles will help keep the color and extend the life of the carpet.

4. Industrial carpet cleaning process

4.1 Prepare carpet cleaning surfaces

Mark the order, arrange tables and chairs of office items to create the maximum empty space.

Check the condition of the carpet: edges, tears, heavy dirt … notify customers if necessary.

Transfer and check that carpet cleaning machinery is safe and in good operation.

Photos of carpet cleaning surface preparation
Photos of carpet cleaning surface preparation

4.2 Vacuum the carpet surface

Vacuum the surface of the carpet before washing.

Remove common items in the office that can damage carpet cleaner brushes such as paper staplers, paper clips, pins…

Move the lockers and vacuum the corners.

Photos of carpet vacuuming
Photos of carpet vacuuming

4.3 Pre-bleach heavy stains on carpets

Mainly remove gum stains, tea, coffee, ink, essential oils, water paints … dumped on office carpets for a long time.

Use specialized point bleaching chemicals.

There are some stains that have been deep into the carpet for so long that they cannot be removed, we will inform customers.

Image of carpet bleaching
Image of carpet bleaching

4.4 Preparation of carpet cleaning chemicals.

Good carpet cleaning chemicals help increase carpet cleaning efficiency without harming carpet fibers.

It is necessary to prepare the chemical in strict accordance with the phase instructions according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not dilute too much to reduce costs without quality assurance.

TKT Carpet cleaning chemicals are specialized for Ecosophy Japan brand offices according to Ecosophy biotechnology absolutely safe, soft to the skin

Image: Ecosophy carpet cleaning chemicals
Image: Ecosophy carpet cleaning chemicals

4.5 Spraying chemicals on carpet surfaces

With a new type of carpet, it is recommended to try in a hidden corner, assessing the degree of reaction of chemicals and carpet surfaces before spraying large areas.

Once it is safe, spray 5-10 minutes before cleaning the carpet for maximum chemical effect. Especially biotech chemicals take more time than chemicals derived from chemistry.

Spray the area just enough for the washing machine to wash in time, then spray and wash each other’s mats to ensure time.

Photos of chemical spray on carpet surfaces
Photos of chemical spray on carpet surfaces

4.6 Overall washing on chemically sprayed area

Areas that have sprayed chemicals enough time to start machine washing.

Areas with high traffic density need to be thoroughly washed with multiple pushes of the machine back and forth.

The area that has been washed does not go back. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the direction of cleaning the carpet from the beginning so that it is drawn at the office door.

Overall washing image on chemically sprayed area
Overall washing image on chemically sprayed area

4.7 Vacuum the entire carpet

This process is mandatory and especially important for the method of cleaning office carpets with a scrub table.

Suck out all the dust, water, chemicals left in the carpet. This process removes 50-60% of the moisture in the carpet.

The steam carpet cleaning method, this process is not really necessary, but to speed up the drying process for the office to operate early, it should also be used.

Image of vacuuming the entire carpet
Image of vacuuming the entire carpet

4.8 Blow dry carpet completely

It is necessary to blow so that the carpet dries completely. When cleaning office carpets, it is recommended to open the door to ventilation to accelerate the drying of carpets.

In case the office cannot open the door or turn on the entire air conditioner at the highest wind level, or the entire fan is in the office.

Offices can support the service to achieve the best results for both parties. The carpet is only really clean and fragrant when it’s really dry.

Pictures of blowing dry carpets
Pictures of blowing dry carpets

Note: the drier the carpet, the longer it stays clean and fragrant. Highlight the air conditioner, or open the ventilation door to the strongest possible level. If carpeting the floor at home can additionally use all the fans the home has. In the company, open the central air conditioner at the strongest wind level.

5. TKT Carpet’s industrial carpet cleaning service

TKT Carpet is a carpet cleaning company with more than 10 years of carpet cleaning experience. Not satisfied with the results achieved. We always improve carpet cleaning technology every year to constantly improve the quality of service. Carpet cleaning machinery technology imported from Europe helps to improve the efficiency of carpet cleaning. Increase the service life of floor mats. Carpet after washing does not leave an unpleasant odor.

TKT Carpet always prioritizes environmental protection. When you use TKT’s carpet cleaning service, you are joining hands with us to protect the living environment. Because the carpet cleaning chemicals we use are biochemicals that are safe for humans and do not have an impact on the environment.

TKT Carpet’s carpet cleaning services are very diverse and rich. You can choose from many methods of cleaning carpets of TKT Carpet

Image of TKT Carpet cleaning service
Image of TKT Carpet cleaning service

6. Some questions about industrial carpet cleaning

  1. Is hot steam carpet cleaning good for carpet?

    Washing hot steam carpets is the best way to clean carpets. Unlike other carpet cleaning methods, the hot steam carpet cleaning method will not damage your carpet fibers or leave any residue.

  2. Is it better to wash carpets with steam or chemicals?

    Cleaning your carpet professionally is the only way to deal with certain types of stains; and while many believe that steam washing is the only solution for deep cleaning, Chem-Dry offers a much more efficient, efficient, and safe carpet cleaning solution.

  3. What is the most effective method to clean dirty carpet?

    The best way to clean heavily soiled carpet is to vacuum. However, before vacuuming, you must perform pre-vacuuming procedures for heavily soiled carpets. The vacuuming still has to be thorough enough to suck all the soil out.

7. You may be interested

8. Carpet cleaning video of TKT Carpet cleaning company

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Công ty dịch vụ giặt thảm TKT Carpet®

Trụ sở: 83 Nguyễn Du, Phường Bến Nghé, Quận 1, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh

TKT Carpet 10 năm chất lượng dịch vụ giặt thảm số 1 tphcm

Source : TKT Carpet Cleaning Company

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